
The Charlie Kristensen Foundation is a registered charity which was founded by Charlie – a 13 year-old multi-award-winning anti-bullying campaigner, stage and screen actor and presenter of #MusicalChairs online chat show.

The main aims of The Charlie Kristensen Foundation are:

> To deliver anti-bullying support and resources which young people and teachers can access online.

> To share the story of his own ‘journey’, to promote acceptance and to reassure people of all ages that it is fine and normal to be different and that people should always strive to be ‘themselves’.

> For Charlie to speak to as many young people, teachers and influencers as he can through visits to a wide cross-section of schools, colleges, universities, performing arts establishments, seminars, conferences, TV, radio and online social media platforms.

> To work with relevant partners to combat the targeted bullying of young people who love the arts.

> To supply ‘Buddy Benches’ to Schools and other establishments to enable kindness, care, acceptance and inclusion.

If you would like to support The Charlie Kristensen Foundation in any way – by physically fund raising or by donating financially, then please Contact Us or Donate HERE.

Thank you in advance for helping x x.